About Us
We are southern.
We (Roxie and Tara) were both born and raised in Ocilla, Ga, the small town that they still call home. A two-traffic light, one high school, everybody knows everybody, tiny, sometimes maddening, wonderful little jewel of a town! For them, being southern means yes ma’am, y’all, please and thank you. It means sweet tea, fried chicken, pimiento cheese and more delicious desserts than you could ever count. It’s church dinners, casseroles for shut ins, summer gardens and dinner parties. A place where gentlemen and ladies still exist, where your front porch is the most relaxing place in your home and where manners still mean something.
The Southern Mercantile was started in 2015 and was birthed from a dream to share the beautiful experiences we've had and the lessons we have learned from growing up Southern. From recipes and how-to's to stories of community and loving your neighbor, we have been so honored to have shared our lives with you for so many years! Both online and in our store, we have taken great care in curating a wonderful selection of goods that we feel represent the beauty and the ease of southern living.
“Simple Living, Southern Charm. That pretty much sums it up! Simply living, by appreciating the beauty that surrounds us and taking the time to soak up the history and the nostalgia of our southern roots. My parents were not from here so I guess I am technically still an “outsider”. My father is from Colorado and my mother is from Arlington, VA. Even though my parents were not raised in the deep south, I have grown to appreciate my southern upbringing and cherish the lessons I have learned. My southern roots do run deep as my grandmother was raised in Selma, Alabama. Despite living outside Washington D.C. for 60 years, she never lost her classic southern drawl or her need to serve a fruit or congealed salad at every meal. There are so many wonderful things that I have learned from growing up southern and I can’t wait to share them with you in hopes that you too will be able to embrace the ease of southern living!"
Our Mission
We are so blessed to be able to do what we love. To work in a beautiful environment, to get to be creative and use our talents, to interact with sweet people every day, and to get to work alongside folks we truly love. We also believe that with that, comes responsibility. We feel that it’s our responsibility to give a portion of what we have been given, to be aware of the needs of our community, and to show the love of Christ to everyone that walks through our doors or who interacts with us online. We have made it our mission to love. To listen to those who need an ear, to encourage those who are feeling weak, to feed those who are hungry… to do our very best to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Whether that be through retail, community service, or just in being aware of how we choose to live our lives every day. We cling to 1 Peter 4: 8-11 as we try to work in a way that glorifies the Lord in all we do.
“Above all, love each other deeply, for love covers a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever.”
We believe that the Bible is clear that we are to love and care for widows, orphans, and women in need. It is a privilege for us to partner with these beautiful missions through prayer, purchases, fundraisers, and sponsorships. If you are able, won’t you join us in supporting one of these efforts?